VIOLA YEAR 2022, Fall Teacher's Log
The year has started with a bang- a full and vibrant studio, violists doing great things and practicing hard already- seeing results too! We work hard and have a good time while doing it at the UGA Hugh Hodgson School of Music. This term, 16 of us ranging from freshman to doctoral movers and shakers are having orchestral excerpt class, technique class, studio performance class, and individual lessons, along with some recitals and chamber music! We have already started the year right with a performance with Alan Woo, our piano colleague, and Kenn Wagner of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Upcoming performances at Carnegie in November and a recording of the Gorb Concerto for Violin, Viola and Wind Ensemble are icing on your professor’s viola cake this fall. Not to mention we all are anxious to hear and release the 5th solo recording featuring all women composers in celebration of the Centennial of the 19th Amendment’s Ratification! So much going on with our #HughViolists!!!